General Information
An Integrative Processing Technique (IPT) session is a four-step process used in emotional healing. Each IPT session is led by a facilitator in a quiet space in-person or over-the-phone. A typical session for an adult lasts about an hour and a half; children generally an hour or less.
An IPT session feels much like a guided meditation. Your facilitator helps to identify an age for you to work on using muscle response testing (also known as behavioral kinesiology). Together, you and the facilitator identify belief systems, choices, and emotional perceptions at the age identified by muscle testing. Through languaging and visualization your facilitator guides you to release the negative emotions and patterns of imbalance, which includes a generational clearing, and the final steps of role-playing. The client experiences a sense of release and relief as they emotionally mature and integrate the IPT experience.
During a session, facilitators may use a variety of non-invasive methods, modalities, and programs that include MRT (muscle response testing), guided imagery, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), emotion points, speaking out feelings, role-playing, inner child work, chakra work, emotional release work, and visualization.
The purpose of participating in an IPT session is to bring us to a place of inner healing, peace, and a strong sense of emotional well-being.​
Everything provided by The Institute of Healing Arts is intended to promote healthy lifestyles and cultivate the mind/body connection. Nothing said, done, performed, typed, printed, or produced by the Institute of Healing Arts, its officers, trainers, facilitators, employees, students, graduates or associates are meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat a disease or take the place of diagnoses by a licensed physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist.
If you have questions or are uncertain with whom you should work with, please call our front desk at 801-785-5259. We will be happy to answer your questions and match you with the student or facilitator that will best serve your needs.