Intra-Personal Intelligence is the ability to access the power of your own wisdom and recognize how to use that information to better regulate thoughts and behaviors. Understanding human behavior and mental processes, whether our own or those belonging to others, is essential if we want to make better decisions and lead happier lives.
Developing the ability to be more self-reflective is a must, as well as answering questions such as: Why do we feel certain emotions in specific situations? Why do we respond or react in particular ways? What can we do to overcome the things that hold us back? Answering these questions can help us increase our own intra-personal intelligence, and we become skilled in learning how to recognize patterns of anxiety, negativity, and anger linked to emotional triggers from our past. Awareness of these patterns is the first step to making change.
Psychology today has come to include mindfulness and meditation techniques and encourages increased personal awareness about how to heal the past and better self-regulate thoughts and behaviors in the present. At IHA, we invite you to delve into the world of your own personal psychology and build a better relationship with your mind. We learn skills about how to be kind to it, unlock its full potential, and use it to your advantage. We use IPT (Integrative Processing Technique) and engage in brain training, regulating negativity and increasing gratitude and positivity.
Give yourself permission to explore the mind and the complexities of memory, learn how to say “no” and feel good about it, bring in more gratitude, and develop a positive body image. Learn how to suppress our inner critic and overcome social anxiety. Look at the science behind certain concepts, such as fear, imagination, visualization, emotions, and body language. Learn about how thoughts and feelings affect the body as you dive into psycho-neuro immunology. Learn how "letting go” of old belief systems offers freedom and new possibilities for a different reality in the future.
The mind is a powerful tool and with the help of mindfulness classes like breathwork with Breanna Greenwood and Sound Bath with Eric Ward and Brandon Hill, you can get in touch with your own intra-personal wisdom and intelligence.
You can develop intra-personal intelligence by attending a free preview with Pam Robinson every 3rd Thursday of the month and see how IPT helps with healing past trauma and pain.
We also have IPT clinic processes with a graduating student that you can sign up for on the IHA website.
Or you can delve into the “deep work” by attending our year-long IPT Certification Course. It is your time to build a relationship with you! During the month of April we are offering a $1500 scholarship to reduce tuition fees on our IPT Certification Course! Click the button below for details.
You are your own kind of beautiful. Here is to increasing individual and collective intra-personal intelligence!