At IHA we strive to increase our awareness and our Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Using IPT we experience an increase in our ability to recognize and language our feelings as well as learning how to express feelings in a more mature way. Increasing our emotional vocabulary is also an important part of personal development. There are 2 kinds of Emotional Intelligence.
Intra-Personal Development is related to self-development and has to do with you personally and your inner world. It includes the following:
The ability to know yourself and understand your feelings.
Accurate self-assessment - Understanding your strengths and weaknesses and their effects. Being able to recognize limitations and boundaries.
Self-confidence and having faith in yourself and being willing to put yourself forward.
Emotional self-control - An important part of emotional maturity, controlling your feelings and/or expressing them in the appropriate settings is an important skill.
Achievement - Being goal-oriented and being able to work toward your goals.
Initiative - Being self-motivated and having the ability to keep working despite setbacks.
Transparency - Being honest and open, interacting with integrity, and being trustworthy.
Adaptability - Showing resilience and the ability to change course when necessary.
Optimism - Having a positive outlook hoping for the best and preparing for success.
Inter-Personal Development is another aspect of Emotional Intelligence and includes social development. Important aspects of Inter-Personal Development include some of the following:
Social Awareness:
Empathy - One of the pillars of the ability to form connections with others, understanding and acknowledging others' emotions.
Service Orientation - Being helpful, contributing to the group effort, and displaying good listening skills.
Organizational awareness - The ability to explain yourself well and be aware of how you are being understood, as well as sensing the level of comprehension of your audience.
Relationship Management:
Inspirational Leadership - Being a good mentor, role model, and authority figure.
Influence - Articulating points in persuasive, clear ways that effectively motivate others.
Conflict Management - Having the skills to improve relationships, negotiate, and lead.
Catalyst for Change - Recognizing and supporting the need for change, and making it happen.
Developing others - Helping others build their skills and knowledge.
Teamwork and collaboration - Working with others in an effective manner.
Emotional Intelligence is an area of development that can be improved upon and strengthened with focus and intent. Emotional intelligence and emotional leadership skills comprise some of the most important learning that happens in businesses and is one of the most important things we can teach our children. We all have room for improvement in growing these different parts of ourselves, especially when it comes to empathy and compassion for ourselves and others.
It turns out that who you are as a person,
rather than what you know, is what matters most in the end.
Let’s continue on our own individual paths of learning, harvesting personal wisdom and emotional growth, AND collectively making the world a kinder, more loving place. As we do our inner work and heal the past, we open ourselves up to an increase in emotional intelligence and greater peace and love for self and others.
Here is to healing the world one heart at a time!
Loves always,