I am excited to announce our Children’s Clinic on Saturday, July 13 and as we are focusing on children this month, I am extending a gentle reminder to be more aware of the “littles” in our lives. We get to love and reflect back to the children around us, a sense of belonging, building their self-esteem, and helping them to feel loved and safe.
We recognize and understand that in every family system there is room for improvement in meeting the needs of our young people. Even in a society where our children are over indulged with privileges, there is still emotional neglect where children’s emotional needs are not being met in effective ways. One of our students here at IHA sent in a book review for a book called Neglect: The Silent Abuser - How to Recognize and Heal from Childhood Neglect by Enod Gray.
I thought I would share a little bit about neglect from our student’s book review as part of my message this month. “Our society widely recognizes other types of abuse like physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse . . . Severe neglect is also referred to as attachment disorder. . . Neglect feels lonely and there is a vague feeling of emptiness, a feeling of not belonging and a feeling of not being enough.”
“When childhood is robbed of the opportunity to feel safe, secure, seen, accepted and loved, children loose opportunities to just be a kid and play.” This book touches on epigenetics and talks about how we adopt core beliefs, habits and programs into our subconscious from the ages of 0-6. The book refers to breaking generational patterns. Think about what a legacy we can leave for future generations by doing our work now. This book also highlights how disease and physical ailments come from chronic emotional pain that is unaddressed and suppressed. This book is a great read and I highly recommend it.
We are on a mission here at IHA to disrupt negative family patterns of neglect and abuse. We are diligently working on healing ourselves and being “change agents” in our own families, knowing that as we do our own individual work, we will set in motion opportunities for emotional freedom to those that come after us. True freedom is to be an agent unto ourselves and to choose how we will respond in any given situation, rather than being in bondage to old programs and belief systems that are no longer needed.
Not only does change need to happen as adults, but especially for the “littles." Yes, we can learn to love a little better and to model healthy attachment and bonding. We can support children by providing environments where they can thrive and grow in healthy ways. They deserve to benefit from emotional health education programs and courses.
Join us for our “Friendly Feelings” Children’s Clinic July 13 in person at our Lindon Campus or you can attend with our online option as well.
We hope to see you there!