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IPT Session with Pam Robinson
IPT Clinic Session
Students in Clinic

1 - 1.5 hrs


Sessions available:



Zoom Meeting

Student Clinic IPT Session Request Form

Students in Clinic are active students in their last quarter of school. Sessions are $35 each and are paid directly to the school.


NOTE: If you have already received a session and you just need to pay, please do NOT complete this form. Instead, please click here.

Client Consent Agreement

I understand that nothing said, done, performed, typed, printed or produced by the Institute of Healing Arts, its officers, trainers, facilitators, employees, students, graduates or associates is intended or meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat a disease or take the place of diagnoses by a licensed physician, psychologist or psychiatrist. I understand that the training, processing sessions, classes, and techniques of the Institute of Healing Arts are intended only to promote healthy lifestyles and cultivate the mind/body connection.


I understand that in an IPT emotional processing session, a variety of non-invasive methods, modalities, and programs may be used, including, but not limited to, MRT (muscle response testing), guided imagery, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), speaking out feelings, role-playing, inner child work, chakra work, and visualization. I understand that it is the purpose of the facilitator in using these techniques to bring the client to a place of inner healing and to create a strong sense of well-being and closure with the issues being addressed.


I understand that the role of the Institute of Healing Arts is to provide a place and structure for facilitators to process clients. I also understand that facilitators are responsible for adhering to the professional ethics and values established by the Institute of Healing Arts. This form is a release form granting permission for a facilitator to process my family member, a person for whom I am the legal guardian, or myself, using the IPT session. This authorization is valid only for the person named on this form, for any and all sessions of processing with any Institute of Healing Arts facilitator.


I hereby assume full responsibility for arranging the IPT session(s) for the person named on this form and release and discharge both the Institute of Healing Arts and the IPT Facilitator(s) from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, actions, or causes of action arising from the services received hereunder.


By clicking the button below you indicate your acceptance of the Client Agreement above.

Thank you for purchasing a Clinic IPT Session. Your booking submission and payment have been successfully received. A Clinic Facilitator will contact you within the next 48 - 72 hours to schedule your session. Thank you!


Thank you! Please check your email inbox to confirm your submission. Our newsletter is sent the first week of every month, so when you will receive your first copy depends on when you subscribed.


© 2022 by The Institute of Healing Arts

139 South State Street, Suite #6, Lindon, Utah 84042​​



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